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Why Vision Precedes Provision

Why Vision Precedes Provision

Why Vision Precedes Provision

Today, I came across a spiritual article that delved into the concept of provision. The word “provision” stood out to me as a combination of “pro” and “vision.” This sparked a reflection on the deeper meaning of this term and its implications for our lives.

Breaking down “provision” into “pro-vision” suggests that it involves a supportive stance towards vision. Essentially, “provision” can be interpreted as being “for vision” or supporting a vision. This interpretation leads us to consider the relationship between our desires and divine intervention. Before we can ask for divine support, we must first have a clear vision of what we seek. God, or the universe, is inclined to support us, but this support is aligned with our clarity of vision. Thus, provision becomes the action of supporting and bringing a vision to fruition.

This insight prompted me to explore whether the concept of “provide” carries a similar meaning. The word “provide” also breaks down into “pro-vide.” I investigated the meaning of “vide” and discovered that its origin is the Latin word “videre,” which means “to see.” This aligns perfectly with the idea of vision. To “provide” is literally to “see” something beforehand and make it available. Therefore, for the universe to “pro-vide” for us, we must first “see” it in our mind’s eye.

This realization serves as a powerful reminder for us to be intentional and purposeful in our pursuits. We cannot expect provision without vision. It is unrealistic to anticipate that our needs will be met if we haven’t clearly envisioned what we desire. The process of manifestation begins with a clear and specific vision.

For instance, in my role as a coach guiding individuals through job or career transitions, I emphasize the importance of being specific about their ideal job. One of the crucial steps in this process is to clearly define the dream job they are seeking. Simply asking for a “better job” is too vague. Instead, one must visualize the exact job they desire, detailing the responsibilities, environment, and other specifics. When you ask, “God, give me a better job,” it’s essential to specify the type of job you envision, as there are countless “better” jobs out there.

In conclusion, the concept of provision underscores the necessity of vision. You must see it in your mind before you can hold it in your hand. This principle encourages us to cultivate a clear and vivid vision of our goals and aspirations. With this clarity, divine support and provision will follow. May you be blessed with pro-vision, where your vision aligns with the support you receive from the universe.