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Want to Wake Up Refreshed Tomorrow? Try This 3-Step Sleep Better Blueprint Tonight

Ethan Musolini-Want to Wake Up Refreshed Tomorrow Try This 3-Step Sleep Better Blueprint Tonight

Ethan Musolini-Want to Wake Up Refreshed Tomorrow Try This 3-Step Sleep Better Blueprint Tonight

Earlier this year, I experienced a sleepless night due to a personal issue. Over the years, I’ve had a few such nights. Last night, however, I discovered a technique that can help anyone sleep better and wake up feeling lighter and more refreshed. After trying it myself, I woke up smiling. Here are the three steps:


Reflect on your day and think about the people and events that didn’t go as planned. Forgive them, sending them love and prayers instead. Also, forgive yourself for any shortcomings. You can even ‘replay’ these scenes in your mind, imagining them unfolding in an ideal way. This transforms heavy energy into lighter, more positive energy.


Express gratitude for the positive aspects of your day. Extend this gratitude to past events as well. Focusing on thankfulness will naturally bring a smile to your face and enhance your happiness.


Visualize your dreams and goals as if they are already achieved. Immerse yourself in the emotional experience of this reality. This will elevate your hopes and faith, filling you with a sense of possibility.

A Side Note on Thankfulness

I added the thankfulness step because it brings a warm and positive closure to the day, counteracting any feelings of lack or negativity.

Try this simple blueprint starting tonight, and I bet your sleep will improve and your mornings will feel lighter. Plus, you’ll find yourself more aligned with achieving your dreams.